
Plastic eggs everywhere!!!!

Happy Spring holidays, everyone. If you celebrated Easter or Passover, we hope you enjoyed your time with your friends and family, hopefully collecting many happy memories.

In our home we celebrated Easter. I don’t know about you, but we ended up with over a hundred plastic eggs. We have baskets full, and they are everywhere. That got us to thinking. What can we make or use these plastic eggs for? Well, arts and crafts, of course!

Plastic Egg Chickens:

Today we were busy in the craft room turning our eggs into what else? Chickens! Trying to answer what came first, the chicken or the egg? In this case, the eggs came first. The idea for chickens came second. We gathered up all our plastic eggs and started to make our own flock. We simply made chicken faces by gathering together a variety of brightly colored feathers and glue. This project is great for little ones because it is quick with great results. They can make as many as they want in a short amount of time. Click here for project directions: Plastic Egg Chicken


We also have been making Wasabi Tape maracas. If you are not familiar with Wasabi Tape, it is a bright multicolor tape. It comes in a variety of colors and patterns. It is great for adding fun to almost any project, especially for small hands. We fill our eggs with a tablespoon of rice or dried beans. Then we use pieces of the tape to decorate our plastic egg. (Or more importantly, to keep the egg closed.)

When your little artists are done placing on as much tape as they choose, turn on some music. Let your little ones shake their maracas along to the beat. This project will be posted in our upcoming Cinco de Mayo category in the middle of April.

We hope that we have given those plastic eggs a second life in your house, because “You’re so creative!”