Projects, Uncategorized

Opossum vs. Possum

Who knew there is a difference between an opossum and a possum? While working on our website, we all learned that there is, in fact, a difference. The opossum, pronounced Ah-possum, is a native animal to North America. The possum, pronounced Pah-sum, is a much cuter animal native to Australia.

While they are both part of the Marsupial family, they look very different from one another. We hope your little artist will have fun making these two craft projects and learn the difference between the two.

Our first project will be the North American Opossum, the only Marsupial in North America. This little guy is extremely misunderstood, because he helps to keep our gardens safe from slugs, rats, mice, mosquitoes, and, most importantly, ticks. Thousand of pests a year make up his diet.

Opossum Craft Project


  1. Copy of opossum
  2. Crayons or Markers
  3. Pink construction paper
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of opossum.
  2. Color.
  3. Cut a spiral out of pink paper.
  4. Glue spiral on to make tail.

In our next project we will be making the Australian possum. This animal can weigh up to nine pounds and spends most of its time in trees. Unlike the opossum, these furry little guys may only have one baby at a time.

Possum Craft Project


  1. Copy of possum
  2. Crayons or Markers
  3. Scissors
  4. Black construction paper
  5. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of possum.
  2. Color.
  3. Cut spiral out of black paper.
  4. Glue spiral to give the possum a tail.

If you would like to learn more about the fun animals of Australia, click HERE.

We hope this project inspired you and your little artist to look up and read more about the differences between possums and opossums. I’m sure the local library would love to help.

I hope if you made both the possum and opossum, you told your little artist, “You’re so creative!”