
National Aquarium month continues

June is National Aquarium Month for the United States. It is a great time to get out and visit your local aquariums and learn about all of the creatures we need to take care of.

Earlier in the month we made projects featuring sea anemones, sting rays, and glittery star fish. This time we will be focusing on our squid windsock, puffer fish, and killer whale.

We hope you feel like you have visited the aquarium after you have made all of these projects!

This Squid project is great for little ones. Simply use bingo daubers to add as much or as little color as you would like. Add some streamers, and you have a beautiful squid to add to your at-home aquarium.

Squid Craft Project


  1. Copy of squid
  2. Bingo daubers
  3. Streamers
  4. Scissors
  5. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of squid.
  2. Use bingo daubers to add color to the project.
  3. Cut and glue streamers to the bottom of page.
  4. Roll paper and use glue stick to hold in place.

This is a simple craft project using toothpicks to make a Puffer Fish.

Puffer Fish Craft Project


  1. Copy of fish
  2. Toothpicks
  3. Glue


  1. Print out fish body.
  2. Glue toothpicks to make puffer fish.

This Killer Whale project uses a little science with it. Start by using crayons to color. Then use water color to paint. Have the kids watch as the paint falls off the crayons.

Killer Whale


  1. Copy of whale
  2. Crayons (not markers)
  3. Blue watercolor paint
  4. Paint brush


  1. Have children color the whale. Try to only color the whale.
  2. Paint the water with blue watercolor paint.
  3. Watch the paint escape the crayons.

I hope you enjoyed this virtual tour of the aquarium. To find more ocean-themed projects, click HERE.

We are sure that you will be telling your little artist, “You’re so creative!”