
United States Memorial Day

Countries all over the world celebrate and memorialize the men and women who served for their countries. In the United States Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in the month of May. Most citizens have the day off and attend parades. They also may host picnics.

So, in today’s blog post we are going to make some projects you can use to celebrate Memorial Day in the United States.

Your little artist could make this American flag-inspired wall hanging as a wall decoration for your celebration or parade float.

Wall Hanging


  1. Blue construction paper
  2. White star stickers
  3. Red crepe paper
  4. White crepe paper
  5. Glue stick


  1. Place white star stickers on blue paper.
  2. Cut 5-8″ strips of crepe paper.
  3. Glue crepe paper to the narrow end of the blue paper.
  4. Hang on wall or front door.

If you are going to one of the many Memorial Day parades, why not make an Uncle Sam hat to wear? We are sure your little one likes to make and wear his or her craft projects.

Uncle Sam’s Hat Craft Project


  1. Copy of Uncle Sam’s hat
  2. Crayons or Markers
  3. Safety scissors
  4. Optional: Blue construction paper strip
  5. Optional: Glue stick


  1. Print out Uncle Sam’s hat.
  2. Color hat.
  3. Cut out.
  4. Optional: Fit strips of blue paper to child’s head.
  5. Optional: Glue hat on band and wear.

Your little artists might have fun making this Hot Dog art project. It is one of the times they may be allowed to play with their food!

Hot Dog Craft Project


  1. Copy of hot dog
  2. Crayons
  3. Red yarn
  4. Yellow yarn
  5. Glue
  6. Safety scissors


  1. Print out hot dog.
  2. Color.
  3. Cut and glue yarn to hot dog to make ketchup and mustard.

We hope your little artists had fun making these Memorial Day-inspired art projects. We know you are sure to be telling them, “You’re so creative!”