
Mardi Gras Crafts and Fun for Kids

Mardi Gras Crafts

Today we are sharing a few of our fun Mardi Gras Crafts

This time of year several countries celebrate and participate in Carnival. People around the world dress in elaborate costumes and wear masks. It is a big party before the start of Lent.

In the United States, they celebrate a version of this called Mardi Gras.  This always makes me think of Bayou country and all the amazing foods; everything from King cake, gumbo, and mudbugs (crayfish.) I know some of you are saying eeeewwwee. But if you cover anything with enough butter and seasoning, it’s bound to taste good!

Today we are going to make a few crafts based around Mardi Gras. In our first project, we are decorating and wearing our very own masks. As you will hear in Louisiana, ‘Laissez les bons temps rouler’, French for ‘Let the good times roll.’

Mardi Gras / Carnival Mask Craft Project

Click on the image for a free printable pattern.

Mask Craft Project Free Children's arts and craft projects

Parade goers collect all kinds of trinkets thrown from the parade floats. The most popular are beaded necklaces. We are making two necklaces each: one necklace to keep, and one to ‘toss’ away.

Beaded Necklace Craft Project


  1. Waxed Dental Floss
  2. Beads
  3. Safety Scissors


  1. Cut a strand of dental floss long enough to make a child’s size necklace.
  2. Thread on beads.
  3. When the necklace is full, gather the two ends together and tie.

In our final project we are making and wearing Jester hats.

Jester Hat Craft Project

Click on the image for a free printable pattern.

Jester Hat Craft Project

Now you are ready to have your own parade.

Mardi Gras conjures up images of fun and feasting, and no Mardi Gras celebration would be complete without a colorful King Cake. The cake is also a bit of a game. You can hide a small plastic baby or bean in the cake. Slice and serve. Whoever finds it is the winner. Here is a link to an easy to make King cake.

King Cake Recipe

We hope you had fun with a kid friendly Mardi Gras party and ‘let the good times roll’. Whatever you make I know you will be telling your little one, “You’re so creative!”