
Let’s learn about Hibernating Animals with Crafts

With the Fall season here, we are learning about Hibernating Animals. While most animals only hibernate during the coldest months, some animals begin preparing this time of year. Today we are learning about two different types of animals that hibernate. We are focusing on mammals and reptiles. The easiest way to remember is that mammals have hair and reptiles do not. Simple and easy!

We begin by naming all of the animals we know that have hair, identifying all that are all mammals. Yes, even dolphins are mammals and have hair when they are born. It is a good day if you learn something new.

In our first project, we are making one of the hairiest craft projects, the bear. Click for a free downloadable pattern.

Bear Craft

Our next project is the only mammal that flies on its own. Our friend the bat is also a mammal that hibernates. Bats help us with bug control and some help pollinate our plants. In this project, we are making a Giant Bat. When done, this project is over two feet wide. Click for a free downloadable pattern.

Giant Bat

While we tend to think of only mammals hibernating, we were fascinated to learn the North American Gila Monster hibernates, too. In our next project, we are designing our own Gila Monster lizard. In the wild, these lizards come in many different colors and patterns. Feel free to let your little artist use different colors to make the patterns. Click for a free downloadable pattern.

Gila Monster

Gila Monster Craft Project Free Children's arts and craft projects

For our last project, he may be the slowest, but we know he wins the race: the turtle. This is another one of our reptile friends who likes to wait out the colder months by hibernating. Click the image for a free downloadable pattern.


Turtle Craft Project on you're so creative Free Children's arts and craft projects

We hope your little artist had fun today, learning that both mammals and reptiles hibernate, and creating some of them. I know we feel like hibernating sometimes, but we have too many projects to make! In the midst of all the learning and creativity, remember to tell your artist, “You’re so creative!”

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Northern Lights

Next month we are learning about the lands of ice and snow. We came up with and are making this northern lights painting. To find out more click the picture.

Northern Lights/ Aurora Borealis craft project Free Children's arts and crafts

Candy Cutouts

We are learning about shapes while practicing scissor skills. To find out more click the picture.

Candy Cutout Craft Project Free Children's arts and crafts

See you next week!