
Fun ways to Learn How Seeds Grow for Kids

Learning How Seeds Grow

With spring around the corner, we are busy planning our garden. We are thinking about all the steps in planting seeds. In thinking about using art to learn science, we came up with this three step science/art project on how seeds grow. From planting to watering, to completely grown plants, your little one might learn how to grow his or her own garden using art.

These projects may be done over the course of a week or a month. If your little one has the focus and drive, he or she may want to complete them all at once. You know your artist best.

Growing real seeds takes time and patience, and maybe a bit of a green thumb.  Little ones don’t always have the patience to wait for seeds to grow. This is a great fast way to help the little artist comprehend where we get our food from.

Seed Craft Project Free Children's crafts

Seed project step 1

This is a fun and simple project teaching children the first step to growing plants. You can start by having children color their happy little baby seed. Then we use coffee grounds as ‘dirt.’ We glue the coffee grounds onto the paper to ‘bury’ our seed.

As you can see, we didn’t take the time to color our seed first. Some days you just have ants in the pants. Some days you have all the time in the world. I guess that is what we can call balance.

To find the pattern and complete directions for this project, please click HERE.

Seed Craft Proect Free Children's crafts

Seed Project step 2

Now that we have buried our seed, the next step is to water our plant. You can see it’s already starting to sprout.

This time, we took the time to color our seed. Then we used drops of glue and glitter to make our water. We placed a drop of glue on the paper and then pulled the bottle upward creating a drop shape. Sprinkle with baby blue glitter, and you now have your water. To find the pattern and complete directions, please click HERE.

(If you are looking for clean up tips and how to use glitter with little artists, click HERE.)

Seed Craft Project Free Childrens crafts

Seed Project step 3

Our plant is growing big and strong. It’s beginning to grow leaves.

Start by having your little artists color their projects. While they are busy coloring, cut small leaf shapes out of green paper. We folded a small strip of paper and cut half circles. Cut out several. When your artists are ready, have them glue on as many leaves as they would like.  Ask your artists, “What is your plant growing?” You might be surprised at their answers!

To find the pattern and complete directions, please click HERE.

Potted Plant Craft Project Free Children's arts and craft projects

Pot wraps

Recommendation: If you would like to get a jump on next week’s project, we recommend planting real seeds in seven ounce plastic cups. Have your little artist reference the three art projects they have just created.  Bury the seed. Water the seed. Watch it grow. You will see that we have some fun ideas up our sleeves to continue learning all about growing plants this spring!

We hope your little ones will learn how seeds grow. Not only can they create art, but hopefully they’ll learn to grow their own food because “You’re so creative!”