
International Heart Month

It makes sense that February, the month of love, would be International Heart Month. We are celebrating by making a few heart-shaped craft projects.

In our first art project, we are learning how to cut out hearts. In this project children will refine their small motor skills while learning the shape of a heart.

Heart Craft Project


  1. Copy of heart
  2. Paper
  3. Safety scissors


  1. Print out copy of heart.
  2. Fold paper in half.
  3. Cut on dotted line.

Now that your little artist has learned how to cut out a heart, he or she can use this new skill to make a sea turtle. This is one of the first projects we ever made for our website, so we are a little prejudiced when we say that this is one of our favorite projects!

Sea Turtle


  1. Green paper heart
  2. Green paper
  3. Glue stick
  4. Scissors


  1. Copy turtle parts into green paper.
  2. Cut out turtle parts.
  3. Glue the heads and legs onto the heart to make a sea turtle.

In our third project we are using hearts to make our little penguin. By layering a couple of hearts on top of each other, your little artist can make this adorable project.

Heart Penguin


  1. Copy of penguin pattern or construction paper
  2. Scissors
  3. Glue stick
  4. Large google eyes


  1. Cut out penguin parts, either from the pattern or free hand.
  2. Have the child glue the parts together.
  3. Glue on eyes.

In our last project we are using footprints and hearts to make a panda bear. We know little artists love using their own hand and foot prints to make art. They especially like seeing how they have grown by sizing up their hands with last year’s project.

Panda Bear Craft Project


  1. Copy of panda bear
  2. Black construction paper
  3. Glue stick
  4. Pencil
  5. Scissors
  6. 1″ google eyes


  1. Print copy of panda bear.
  2. Trace and cut out footprints.
  3. Glue on footprints.
  4. Glue on eyes.

We hope your little artist had fun celebrating International Heart Month with one or all of these heart-shaped projects. I know that, with all the love in your heart, you will be telling him or her, “You’re so creative!”