
Free Valentine’s Crafts for Children

Valentine’s Crafts

It is almost the season of glitter and paper heart shaped doilies. That is right it is the time of year we are thinking of Valentine’s crafts.

I am sure you will have a little one who will ask, Why do we send Valentine’s cards to each other? Valentine’s Day honors a Roman priest named St. Valentine, who died on February 14, 269. He sent a letter to his love signed “From your Valentine.”

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Valentine’s Day cards were one of the first commercial greeting cards ever made, but the holiday wasn’t made official until well after St. Valentine signed his love letter. In 498, Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as St. Valentine’s Day in honor of St.Valentine himself, the patron saint of love. 

Various stories over the years of different poems, letters, and cards being sent around the February 14th date. In the early 1900s in the United States, the valentine card became more commercially produced. Now today we buy or make cards keeping with this tradition. Let us continue by making some fun Valentine Crafts.

In our first project, we are teaching little artists to cut out the most recognizable Valentine symbol, the heart. Click the image below to print a pattern. Have the artist fold the paper in half and cut along the dotted line.

How to cut out a heart

Heart Cut Out Free Children's arts and craft projects

Now that we have learned how to make a heart let’s use it to make other projects. Click the image below to find out more.

Reverse Heart Painting

Heart Craft Project Free Children's arts and craft projects

Next, we are using smaller and multiple hearts to make a 3D heart. This is a craft that can be hung from the ceiling or added inside a card. Click the image below to find out more.

3D Heart Craft Project

3D Heart Craft Free Children's crafts

Maybe you don’t have the time to cut out all the pieces but still want to make Valentine’s cards? There are some great card kits on the market like this one.

Valentine’s Card Making Kit


We hope you felt the love with our Valentine’s crafts this week. To find more of our February themed crafts please visit HERE.

I know if your little artists will fill your heart with art. We know you are sure to tell them, ‘You’re so creative!’

You’re so creative!