
Free and Easy Hanukkah Crafts for Preschool Children

Hanukkah Crafts

In today’s newsletter, we are sharing Hanukkah Crafts for your little artist. Even if you choose to celebrate another holiday this season it is always fun to learn about different cultures.

Our first craft might be the most recognizable symbol of Hanukkah, The Star of David, known in Hebrew as Magen David. We are cutting out one pattern and reusing it over and over to paint this reverse star project. This is an easy craft to make with even your littlest artists. Click the image below to find out more.

Star of David Hanukkah Craft

Hanukka Art Project Free Children's arts and craft projects

Next, we are making our own flameless Menorahs. This is a great project to make and every day of Hanukkah add a yellow circle to pretend to light the candles. Your little artists can have fun learning math by counting the lights and non-lighted candles. Click the image below to find out more.

Meorah Hanukkah Craft

Menorah craft project free children's arts and crafts

In our third craft, we are using paper chains to make a Hanukkah craft. Little artists love to make paperchains. It is a simple project with big results. I have had classes make the chains long enough to up and down both sides of the hallway. This time we are practicing scissor skills by cutting out these adorable stars and gluing them to blue paper chains. It is always a good idea to have extra strips of paper on hand to allow your little artist to make the chain as long as they would like. Click the image below to find out more.

Hanukkah Garland Craft

Hanukkah craft project Free Children's arts and crafts

In the next project, we are using triangles to make a gold star of David. Click the image below to find out how we create this star.

Star of David Craft Project

Star of David Hanukkah Craft Project Free Children's arts and craft projects

We also are sharing a link for a dreidle. This is a fun item for your little artist to learn how to celebrate Hanukkah or make art. Place a piece of paper in the bottom of a box. Dip the tip of the dreidle in paint and spin on the paper in the box. Your little artist will have fun seeing how each picture comes out differently.


Let's Play Dreidel The Hanukkah Game Extra Large Blue & White Wood Dreidels - Instructions Included! - D10 (2-Pack XL Dreidels)

We hope you have fun this Hanukkah and enjoyed making all of these projects. I know you are sure to tell your little artists, ‘You’re so creative!’

You’re so creative!