School Bus

School Bus Craft Project


  1. Copy of bus pattern
  2. Yellow and black card stock
  3. 1″ Hole punch
  4. Brads
  5. Scissors or safety scissors
  6. Pencil
  7. Plastic cup (To trace circle for tires.)
  8. Glue stick
  9. Hole punch


  1. Print bus onto yellow paper.
  2. Trace circles onto black paper.
  3. Use hole punch on yellow paper to make two hubcaps.
  4. Cut out all of the pieces.
  5. Glue yellow hubcaps to black tires and punch hole in the center.
  6. Punch two holes in bus where you would like to attach tires.
  7. Use brads to attach tires and drive away.

You’re so creative!