Chameleon Puppet

Chameleon Puppet Craft Project


  1. Copy of the Chameleon pattern
  2. Light green card stock
  3. Red card stock
  4. Scissors or safety scissors
  5. Glue stick.


  1. Print Chameleon head onto light green card stock.
  2. Print shapes onto red card stock.
  3. Cut out.
  4. Cut the small slit on the mouthpieces and fold it back. See video.
  5. Fold both the top and bottom mouth slit over each other to make about a 45-degree angle. See video.
  6. Fold the red square diagonally to make it look like a triangle.
  7. Glue the tip of the headpieces to the tips of the triangle. With the fold in the back.
  8. Glue in the spiral tongue.
  9. Put on a puppet show.

You’re so creative!