
Learning about Fire Prevention Week with crafts

In the United States, during the first full week of October, they practice Fire Prevention Week. Fire Prevention Week was started in 1925 to bring awareness of how to prevent fires, and escape a fire. This is a great time to talk with your little artist about how to get out of your home and where to meet in the event of a fire. A lot of schools bring in local firemen dressed in gear to teach that they are not scary and how to stop, drop, and roll if you are on fire.

Many Fire Departments host open houses for children to come in and learn about what they do. They also allow children to sit in fire trucks and try on gear. Check with your local departments for their open houses.

The first thing your little artist might hear that would warn them about a fire is a smoke detector. Most kids have heard a smoke detector signal. Some have heard it during practice fire drills at school and some at home when I am trying to cook. Ha ha! In our first project, we are making our own decorative smoke detector.

Smoke Detector-


  1. Copy of smoke detector
  2. Crayons or Markers
  3. Red Glitter
  4. Glue
  5. Cotton Swab
  6. Small plate

Option: Use glitter glue instead of glitter and glue.


  1. Print off copy of the smoke detector.
  2. Have children color.
  3. Paint glue with cotton swab onto the nose.
  4. Sprinkle with red glitter.

We work really hard to teach our little artists that in the event of an emergency to call 911. When you call 911, the Police and Firemen will show up, so they must only call when there is an actual emergency.

Fire Prevention Week is a great time to teach how and why we use 911. We work on telling the operator our name, address, and why we need help. Hopefully, they will never need to use this, but it is always a great idea to be prepared.

In this project we are painting a fire with the numbers 9-1-1 to help remember.

Fire 911


  1. Copy of fire
  2. Paint
  3. Sponge
  4. Small Paper Plate


  1. Print off a copy of fire.
  2. Pour a small amount of orange and yellow paint onto paper plate.
  3. Dip the sponge into paint. Sponge paint fire.

In our last project we are making our own fireman’s hat. Your little artist can pretend to be a fireman or fire woman. These are especially fun to make and wear to the open house at the Fire Department.

Fireman Hat-


  1. Copy of badge
  2. Yellow Paper
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue Stick
  5. Paper Plate
  6. Sponge
  7. Red Paint
  8. Newspaper


  1. Cover work surface with newspaper.
  2. Print badge onto yellow paper and cut out.
  3. Sponge paint the bottom of paper plate and let dry.
  4. When dry, cut the center of paper plate almost completely out. Leave 2-3 inches connected. Fold the center up.
  5. Glue the badge onto hat.
  6. Optional: Write child’s name on badge.

We hope your little artists had fun learning about Fire Prevention Week. More importantly, they learn how and what to do to be safe in the event of a fire. We want your little artists around for a long time to hear, “You’re so creative!”