
Lovable Llamas

This week we are making Lovable Llamas. We’re a llama loving family, and are blessed enough to have a llama rancher right in our own family. Our llamas are some of the most well behaved, loving animals. Every time we head out to the pasture, we bow our heads and are rewarded with lots of kisses.

Although llamas are originally from South America, you can now find them all over the world. Not only can they be sheared (given a hair cut) for their hypoallergenic fiber, but they also make wonderful guard animals. Farmers have discovered that llamas can protect livestock from wolves, coyotes, and other predators. So it’s not uncommon to find a few llamas in with a herd of sheep or goats. But llamas love the company, being one of the animals that have to have a friend to keep them company.

Now that we have learned a little about the Lovable Llama, let’s make a few of our own. In our first project we are using real llama fiber to add color to our llamas. We are lucky enough to have our own fiber, but some craft shops do carry it. If you’re having trouble, you may find many different colors for sale on Etsy.



  1. Copy of llama
  2. Fiber
  3. Glue


  1. Print copy of llama.
  2. Glue fiber onto llama.

If you are unable to acquire llama fiber, our next project uses cotton balls to make the llama.



  1. Copy of llamas
  2. Glue
  3. Puff or Cotton balls


  1. Print out llama.
  2. Place glue on llama.
  3. Place puff or cotton balls on glue.
  4. Remember to name your llama!

Our final project will turn your little artist into a llama. He or she is sure to have fun making and wearing this llama headband.

Llama Headband


  1. Copy of Llama
  2. White card stock
  3. Scissors
  4. Brown construction paper 12″x18″
  5. Sponge
  6. Brown paint
  7. Small paper plate
  8. Glue stick


  1. Print copy of llama onto card stock.
  2. Pour small amount of paint onto paper plate.
  3. Teach your little artist to sponge paint the llama.
  4. Let dry.
  5. Cut a strip of construction paper long enough to fit around child’s head.
  6. Cut out llama parts and glue onto headband.
  7. When dry, wear.

We even love books about llamas.  We always recommend finding great stories at your local library. But if you would like to start your own, we recommend, ‘Llama Llama I Love You’ and ‘Llama Llama Red Pajama.

We hope you had fun learning about our friends, the llamas. I know if they could talk, they would tell your artist “You’re so creative!”